Research and Innovation for Sustainable Food and Nutrition

We are a partnership for the Sustainable Development of Food and Nutrition, funded under the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Taking Action On Food Systems, Focused On Sustainability, Working On Safety, Security And Health.

OnFoods is a partnership extended to university, research centres and companies that brings together, coordinates and amplifies the work of 26 public and private organisations, leaders in scientific research and sustainable innovation of food systems.

Our project falls within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which the Italian Government has prepared as part of the Next Generation EU program. We are one of the 14 partnerships selected under the Education and Research mission, for the theme Models for Sustainable Nutrition.

People involved
Among which 129 newly recruited and 200 new PhD students and post-docs
Among universities, research centers and leading companies
Research Projects
Spread over OnFoods' 7 working areas, off which 23 are flagship projects
Work Packages
Groups of related activities with specific and clear objectives and a timeline
Overall actions to contribute to the achievement of the work package objectives
The tangible or intangible outputs expected during the OnFoods project timeline
People involved
Among which 129 newly recruited and 200 new PhD students and post-docs
Among universities, research centers and leading companies
Research Projects
Spread over OnFoods' 7 working areas, off which 23 are flagship projects
Work Packages
Groups of related activities with specific and clear objectives and a timeline
Overall actions to contribute to the achievement of the work package objectives
The tangible or intangible outputs expected during the OnFoods project timeline
News and Insights

OnFoods Magazine

Discover our in-depth articles on topics and themes of the OnFoods project, approached through the perspective of spokes, work packages, and research projects.


On Food Perspective

A Comprehensive View of the Eco-Agro-Food System


The Spoke’s Ecosystem

Seven research areas for seven major working groups


Research Projects

More than 300 research projects spread over OnFoods' 7 working areas.

Organizations and people

Players on Food

Twenty-six organizations involved with over 600 people.